MS Ed., CLC, LCCE, Doula
LCCE Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator
Certified Lactation Counselor, ALPP
Certified Birth Doula - Birth Arts International
CPR Certified
About Harmony
My own journey into motherhood has brought me to the world of birth work. All 3 of my children made unexpected entrances into this world early, at 33, 34 and 35 weeks! My breastfeeding journey did not start the way I thought it would. I didn’t even get a chance to read any breastfeeding books before my babies were born. However, I pumped, gave them milk through NG tubes while in the NICU, bottle-fed and offered my breast when they were ready. When I came home I had to figure out how to wean from the pump on my own. I found and attended local La Leche League meetings and new parent support groups, where I felt supported, and listened to stories from experienced mothers. Those meetings were a safe place to ask questions, discuss worries and figure out how to balance breastfeeding, mothering, working and gracefully handling family opinions. I learned to follow and listen to my instincts. My LLL friends were encouraging, and I witnessed mothers breastfeeding babies and children of all ages. Seeing babies and children nursing to natural term (some between 4-5 years old) helped me gain confidence to follow my own children and wean when we were ready.
After having my second daughter and going through the ups and downs of nursing, I became a Certified Lactation Counselor through the Healthy Children Project, Inc. During the pandemic (2020) I completed the coursework and found out I was pregnant with my 3rd child. After he was born, I sat for my exam, passed and gained my CLC credential. Taking a major exam while postpartum was a feat, but solidified my ability to help parents with infant feeding. I was able to continue supporting parents on their feeding journey with my new found title and I learned that support was what most new parents needed.
I now am a mother of 3 and find that my favorite topics to talk about are birth, breastfeeding and babies! In the Spring of 2022 I took a Lamaze accredited seminar and became a Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator (LCCE) in the summer of 2023. My childbirth class is evidence-based, engaging and interactive. You will be prepared for pregnancy, birth and postpartum. Most of all, you will be empowered to make informed decisions based on current research.
I was honored to attend a very close friend's birth. I was able to support her by discussing options, helping her with her birth plan and holding her hand during her birth. Knowing I was able to offer information and support her, both emotionally and physically during her birth was incredible. After supporting her I knew joining the birth community was my next step. This experience solidified the decision to become a Birth Doula.
I have been through infertility, successful fertility treatment, was an advanced maternal age mama with a geriatric pregnancy, a NICU mama, and birthed all three late term preemies, with PROM unmedicated and vaginally.
All of my past experiences have brought me here. I hope I can help, encourage and support you in your birth journey.